
카테고리: 원하는 부분만 골라! 골라!

순서: 남들이 많이 봤던 내용들만 먼저! 먼저!

키워드 검색: 원하는 내용만 뽑아! 뽑아!

전체 1
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 추천 조회
JYSHIN | 2021.08.13 | 추천 0 | 조회 921
JYSHIN 2021.08.13 0 921

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, William D. Callister, Jr. & David G. Rethwisch

Ch. 1 Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Ch. 2 Atomic Structure and Bonding in Solids
Ch. 3 Metallic and Ceramic Structures
Ch. 4 Structures of Polymers
Ch. 5 Defects in Solids
Ch. 6 Diffusion in Solids
Ch. 7 Mechanical Properties of Solids
Ch. 8 Deformation and Strengthening Mechanisms of Materials
Ch. 9 Failure of Materials
Ch. 10 Phase Diagrams
Ch. 11 Phase Transformations
Ch. 12 Electrical Properties of Materials
Ch. 13 Types and Applications of Metals, Ceramics, and Polymers
Ch. 14 Synthesis, Fabrication, and Processing of Metals, Ceramics, and Polymers
Ch. 15 Composite Materials
Ch. 16 Corrosion and Degradation
Ch. 17 Thermal Properties of Materials
Ch. 18 Magnetic Properties of Materials
Ch. 19 Optical Properties of Materials
Ch. 20 Economic, Environmental, and Societal Issues